Max - the single 50 yr old with no self esteem

max - i dont know why you have felt the need to berate me lately, but i spoke to a psychiatrist friend of mine who confirmed that it is unhappiness, low self esteem which causes you to do it. oh, and by the way, my picks have been making me and MANY posters LOTS of money. oh and one other thing max, stay the phuck out of my threads, k? /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif peep, you too you pathetic loser /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
When you speak to your friend again ask him to help you work through your penis envy issues.
Those of us how have had to read your posts over the last couple of years have no doubts whatsoever that you have been talking to a shrink. And not the Rx's shrink, either. Keep on babbling about your picks and answering your own posts. If anyone is making money on you it's from fading your picks. But from the number of hits some of your threads have I doubt if too many posters are paying any attention to what you pick. At least I hope not, for their wallet's sake. So keep on making up new threads berating me but the only reason you're doing this is because I pointed out that you lied about making money in the NBA last Tuesday. If you hadn't made that " at least I made money in hoops tonite" bs remark I wouldn't have said anything. Oh, and one more thing. Dickyw's right, your ass does look fat in those pants. Women your size should stay away from spandex. I would suggest liposuction but you'd look really dumb only weighing 63 lbs after they sucked all that weight out. Have a nice day and be sure to give us some picks to fade. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

[This message was edited by max1234 on 11-16-02 at 02:04 PM.]
max you are alone in life arent you... /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

unlike you little buddy, i make plays outside of what i post here. last tuesday night i actually had a BIG night. just one of those nights that you post and the posted plays lose. btw, my threads probably get some of the most number of views in most forums. #2 prob in NBA and prob top 5 in CFB. until then little fella /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
ID has the best record of games he doesn't post. I must admit, I have yet to see anyone with a better winning pct than ID in games he doesn't post. I don't know how he does it, but the guy hardly loses games that he doesn't post. I must admit, he's good. I wish I can pick games I don't post as good as ID.
As far as the forum knows I have'nt lost a game all year. BTW before you break out the dildo to have sex with yourself there is something you should know. "My Buddy's Pick" in the college forum gets over 500 views, why? because he is a good fade thats why.

Not a good start to the weekend is it?
Oh, so your non-posted picks did well. Silly me, I thought you were making money for the posters here and not just yourself. I guess you emailed all of your followers the picks so they could play them too.

Today you had just a ton of hits on your CFB thread. 150 views and the only posts in it were yours. ON the other hand Kodiak had two posts and just over 3000 views. Yep, you're the queen of the forum alright. Have you thought about trying to sell your picks? Never mind, I forgot, you've been there and done that.

New member
Feb 20, 2002
How'z you like yourself now ? /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif

Bring Ralph back along with his bowling bag.........Late, GMON
She's going to start a tout service soon. But only with her non-posted picks. Anyone that sends her a $100.00 a month gets a print out each week of the plays that would have won if she had posted them before the game started. For $200.00 a month you get a print out of games that are posted after they start and for $500.00 a month you get the plays that she deletes in the hope that know one read the thread and knows she theoretically blew her ass and bankroll on one play.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
LOL..................good one max........i like that (dry sense of humor) attitude
2nd half under 27 fla state........

New member
Feb 20, 2002
Tell EVERYBUDDYS BUDDY if she wants to insure income instead of this wish-list tout sheet to get on the treadmill, get her hair properly cut, apply make-up and creams accordingly, put an advertisment in the personal section of her local rag and get busy.

ps: I hear it all tastes like chicken anyway.....................LMFAO /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Never forget when the going got rough the words "LETS ROLL" rang out.......Late, GMON

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